Thursday, September 29, 2005

“Sin is the result of collaboration.” Stephen Crane
Things have been going well lately. I really enjoy my new job as a teacher.
Now, not everything is simply perfect (read last entry: no constant coffee, no guitars, no unicorns), there are times in my day where I think, “what on earth am I doing?” But hey—don’t we have those moments so we remember where to Lean? That seems to be what I use them for anyway. My heart is so thankful for my students. They are equally hilarious, dramatic, challenging, intelligent, warm, and dear to me. I enjoy being a part (well, just for 50 minutes, anyway) of their days. And I love to present literature to them in new ways. Getting a bunch of teenagers to talk about books is not always an easy task, but I relish the challenge. And since I love music, art, and movies, I notice those seem to easily mesh into the fabric of my classes.
I am moving into a new apartment on Saturday, and I am certainly ready to live closer to school. If I wake up too late to make my coffee, it makes for a looong car trip from Easley. Now, Lava Java is right across the street. Things are going well….
And I have dear, true friends helping me move. Friendships seem to be that common thread that runs throughout these “things are going good for me” times.
And after a summer of a terrible job (writing a catalogue that sells fireplaces! yes, you read that correctly) and no real spiritual growth, I find myself thriving in my daily relationship with the Lord. It is a true and all-to-rare gift to have the privilege of working in a Christian environment. I get to pray with my students, and I could not imagine a school day without it.
My brother and sister-in-law are having a baby in February and I cannot wait to be Crazy Aunt Beth (as all people should have a crazy aunt and a bachelor uncle). This is my parents first grandchild, and my mom is already buying baby clothes. Since I’m the youngest, I’m not sure how I feel about this. Anyone who is the youngest child has grown up being the star of the show, and we don’t really like to share the spotlight. Still, every time I see a baby now, I can’t wait to hold a new member of the Brown family.
I’ve gone on too long today. But my cup overflows.


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