Wednesday, September 28, 2005

"Sin is too stupid to see beyond itself." --Alfred Lord Tennyson
Describe the perfect world:
Needless to say, that's quite close to impossible. How do you describe perfection? But I'll tell you some things I'd like to see.
  • I wish people did not need. Food, shelter, clothing, homes--yes, all of these essentials, but also that sort of needy-ness that's difficult to name. The need to make fun of others, the need to put themselves down, the need to lie or all stems from some sort of pain, doesn't it?
  • In my version of a perfect world, there would be coffee and many great cafes to drink said coffee in. Good, Kenya AA coffee with Sugar in the Raw and real cream. At a place like Chez Lulu in Birmingham. A quirky, warm place with delicious coffee and sugar cubes. I miss that place.
  • In a perfect world, there would be more flowers and butterflies (that certainly sounds a bit like something a seven year old girl would 'bout some unicorns, too?), because I think that both are beautiful, and perfection demands beauty.
  • In a perfect world, all of my friends and family would live within walking distance.
  • There would be music everywhere. The grass would strum its own tune as you walked over it. Birds would hum and harmonize, and all humans could easily pick up a guitar and belt out a lyric or two.
It's fun to dream, and this dreaming wakes me up to all of the goodness I've been missing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey miss brown.. i'm leaving another comment. no i'm not bored right now, i'm just avoiding homework, but not english homework of course, that's already done. now if that doesn't sound like a suck up thing to say i dont know what does! we need to go on a field trip for english class, to a library, or a coffee house..something fun yet
"english-y"..i just made up that word by the way. well i must be going now, but i shall see you in the morning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 6:47:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mrs. Corbet!
we are in coputer class and remembered you talking about your blog, so we checked it out. I've always thought these things were cool, but everytime i try to journal it lasts for like 2 weeks. I guess i only like to write when i am in the mood. but anyways hope your having a wonerous day and my spider bite is ALMOST better!

Thursday, September 29, 2005 12:20:00 PM  

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