Thursday, September 15, 2005

Have I ever told a about it.
In a movie I saw for the first time about a year ago, one of the characters talked about how she lied all of the time, "about stupid things, too. Like, I'll say something and think, 'that wasn't even remotely true.'" And not that I can completely relate, but I think lies slip out too too easily.
We are all natural storytellers. We like to make things sound huge and exciting--more colorful. So is it bad for me to make my telling more interesting? Well, one of my favorite Bible verses (why is it that favorite verses are also the hardest for us to follow?) says that "out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." And I know that I pray for abundant joy and peace in my heart. So if my words and actions are false...perhaps that joy and peace is as well.
And what I mean is this: I do not wish to fool myself or others. My life of faith (which I pray is the whole motion of my days), is something I value because I want it to be real and true...authentic.
So if tiny lies are seen in my Creator's eyes as sin, I want nothing to do with it. But that is a hard one for me. Lies get me out of hard situations, they buy me time, they spare someone's hurt feelings.
But I wish for the abundance of my heart to be joyful and peaceful.
And most of all, true.

On another note, I have been out with a cold for two days, and I was excited and almost nervous to come back to school today. How gratifying it was to return and greet my students! They made me feel welcome...and missed. One of those tiny moments that makes me think, "how good it is to be right here." Like coming home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Beth, I think it's wonderful to hear you "say" that. I'm so happy for you and glad things are going so well! I love the transition from when I talked to you on AIM that day when you almost quit your job at that awful place (I shall not say "it's" name) to your wonderful stories as a teacher.

Thursday, November 17, 2005 11:11:00 PM  

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