Wednesday, September 21, 2005

"Hitch your wagon to a star." --Ralph Waldo Emerson

My English teacher in high school, Mrs. Fleming, had an old laminated poster on her wall with that same quote on it. One of those cheesy, dentist office posters, like the kitten hanging on a tree branch with the "Hang in There!" quote staring at me while I got another filling.

So for a long time, I had to hate Mrs. Fleming's poster, too. But when we started reading about the Transcendentalists--all of those writers who wanted to see things in a new way, who loved the outdoors, who saw God in everything...I found part of myself in those writings, in those thoughts. I had one of those, "so this is what it's all about" moments. I get to teach this next, and I'm excited to introduce this to my students.

And I get what Ralph was talking about now, too. It's not such a dentist office quote. He's saying that there are many times that either physically or mentally we feel as out-of-place as a wagon, but there is always opportunity to rise above it all. To see things from the stars.

...on another note, I gave a really lengthy test today. They must think I sit at home thinking of evil ways to ruin their days!! But in reality, I'm so proud of my students for their hard work. Grading is not the greatest thing in the world, but it's a necessity. I remind myself again and again that their performance is directly related to my teaching. So we'll see what happens.

I love that there's a possibility for greatness like that each day.


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