Friday, September 23, 2005

"I have no faith in human perfectionism" --Edgar Allen Poe

Today has been really nice. We are sharing narrative essays in class in a sort-of coffeehouse forum. Lots of coffee (always a good thing for me!) and snacks really added a nice, casual vibe to the whole experience. And the writing is so wonderful! I truly look forward to reading the entire essays this weekend. I'm amazed at how much some of the students have seen and experienced in their lives. Truly incredible. I feel so blessed by God when I think of the blessing He's given me in all of these students. One minute, they leave me breathless with their depth and maturity, the next moment I'm laughing at their wit and wide-eye-ness.
My first hour class asked me questions this morning as part of the forum. Every one of the questions was about my love-life. Have I been engaged? How many boyfriends have I had? What do I look for in a guy? What qualities would I look for in a blind date? So funny!! I don't know how I kept from blushing.

Anyway...the journal question for the day: "What is my faith?"
For me, my relationship with Christ has deepened over the past two years. I went on a prayer retreat in Minnesota last summer and my prayer life has showed me what a strong bond I can create with God. It's truly living a life with Him! I've learned that silence and breathing, writing and talking can all be forms of prayer. The more I listen to God, the more filled I feel. To me, we all bond with our Creator in new and different ways all of the time. We just need to be grounded in our salvation, while reaching up on tiptoe for a new identity in Him.
I choose each day to follow to the teaching of Jesus. And each day I see Christ in a new way. It's a creative, challenging, beautiful way to be in (and not in) this world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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Friday, September 23, 2005 2:57:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Miss Brown!! This is Anna Peek. I just wanted to say hi. Hi. I hope you're having a good weekend. Oh guess what? Last night I was at Blockbuster with Kirtley Theisen, Melissa Thaddaeus, and Emily Becraft, and we all thought it would be really fun to hang out with you on a weekend because we think you're really cool. And we were curious about what you did in your free time. I also wanted to tell you that your class is alot of fun. It doesn't really seem like school when we're in there. Writing those stories on Thursday was so much fun. And listening to Jack Johnson was so cool too.
Well I hope your weekend is fun and I'll see you Monday morning!

Saturday, September 24, 2005 10:13:00 PM  

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