Tuesday, October 04, 2005

"Thank you, God, for this good life and forgive us if we do not love it enough" --Garrison Keillor

Describe one of your favorite (or least favorite) places.

I am thinking of London.
There is one place, Kynance Mew, on the way to Hyde Park from 12 Ashburn Gardens, where I lived and studied. A mew is a large alleyway where stables were built in the horse and buggy days of the city. Now they are quirky, cobblestoned streets with crooked houses and glowing streetlights criscrossing posh city streets.
On my walks to Hyde Park, I'd look to my left, and there bowing under a low archway was my favorite mew. Lush windowboxes tucked neatly under shuttered windows, cobbles in patterns bumpy underfoot--it was like some otherworldly doorway.
I'd look to it like a talisman, something to bring me luck, to nudge me closer to the miracles in our every day worlds.


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