Wednesday, October 12, 2005

PSAT today
I'm sitting in my classroom watching students (some mine, some I have yet to meet) take the PSAT. Strange to think--I never thought I'd be giving the PSAT. The transformation in the room is unusual. From jovial, wide-awake teenagers to test-taking, number 2 pencil bubbling hunchbacks in a matter of "you may begin."
I took the PSAT on two Saturdays in two different cafeterias with hundreds of people. The institutional smell of cafeteria food mixed with generic Pine Sol really added to the academically-stimulating atmosphere. At least here, these students are among the familiar, and among friends.
I will miss teaching class today. There's such a privilege to seeing the same faces each day at the same hour. Even if (I am or) they are in horrible moods, I enjoy the whole scope of our relationship. So it surprised me the other day when many students in my eighth hour said they would be scared if I called their house! I hope they don't mean that they are afraid of me, but I wonder. There is a weird disconnect between a teacher and a student that was not an issue when I was a youth minister. We'll see. It's only October, I may make a new habit of calling students in the evening. Hmmm...I think its more of a parental issue, "Honey, why did your English teacher call tonight?"
So no journal topics today, no quotations to copy down. Only thousands of ovals to fill in and a calculator for conversation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow! so commenting is my favorite part of blogs. Since i am too ADD to have one of my own, i just comment on my friends (and english teachers). So, The PSAT was horrific today. My brain is fried and i have been nonfunctional for the entire rest of the day. Everyone freaks out about it and its not even a big deal... anyways see you in the morning bright and early!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 12:30:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The joy of seeing similar faces every day is nice. Comforting. The whole testing thing never appealled to me. Some people just do not do well recalling information verbatim from that which was learned in class. God made some of us to be presenters of knowledge, not sponges. Soon things will be back to normal and the PSAT's will be done. Never understood the whole pretesting for the SAT. Aren't the SAT's to determine how much you know and how you can process information? If you test before taking the test, isn't that cheating? Should the scores to enter college be raised? Just a thought on this dark and dreary day. Thank heaven for all these smiling faces around!

Wednesday, October 12, 2005 1:04:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol... Miss Brown, you are so poetic!!! I have to admit I liked the PSAT more than the plan.

Tory, you have a point! :-)

Anna, I was brain dead the rest of the day too!

Friday, October 14, 2005 2:07:00 PM  

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