Wednesday, February 01, 2006

"All the lonely people...where do they all come from?"
--Paul McCartney

When is the last time you had a significant conversation? Who was it with, and what was it about?
I talked to my friend David (Melissa Thaddeus, I do have friends that are girls. I do. I promise. This is just a coincidence.) last night after Engage (a Bible study I go to) about his trip to Europe. He and some of his friends are starting a Christian youth hostel (like a hotel...for young people) in Prague, Czechoslovakia, and were overseas doing some connecting and traveling. I was thoroughly amazed at God's provision for their group. He truly is in charge, and when we are obedient (as David and the guys obviously were), we are rewarded with such delight and joy. He was radiant, and that is infectious.
So we spent time in thankful conversation, chatting about dreams of the future, laughing about all the strange relationships we deal with. He brought me some great Cuban coffee from Amsterdam, so we enjoyed that. And there are few things better to me than a great cup of coffee with good conversation.
I truly feel that God uses our silences and our words--that may seem simple, but to me, conversation is a great healer. So many times, I come away feeling closer to Him because I spent time listening, laughing, and talking with a friend (or even with someone I've just met).
My classes are embarking on a project that calls them to have significant (although short) conversations with people they have just met. How blessed we all were this morning to hear of some of the adventures! They were funny, and poignant and...Human.
I see teaching as a sort of drawn-out form of conversation. In that way, each day has moments of significance.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok seriously... i think it's time for a new post.

Sunday, February 12, 2006 11:53:00 PM  

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